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Thread: questions about dot physical and meds with bi-polar disorder

  1. #1

    questions about dot physical and meds with bi-polar disorder

    I've been told by many driving schools and other doctors that do dot physicalsI can get a medical card as long as I have doctors release and have been on meds for at least six months and stable.
    I've got that. I went to one trucking companies driving school on two different occasions and was told by only of there doctors said it wasn't allowed for bi-polar disorder. while all there other doctor at there other schools say yes. what the hell is the truth. if it's yes I want to know if I can nail that school and company for discrimination....

  2. #2
    Admin Admin's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Wilmington, NC; USA
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    First I am sorry to hear that you have a problem that can be very debilitating and I do hope that you are able to keep it in control.

    That said, I also think you are taking the wrong approach. No one owes you a job, despite how badly you may need it and running an emotional blog with a Google PR of 0, basically means that very few will read it. I tried. You go on and on saying very little of real value. I get it. Your angry at CR England, but it appears you are trying to use what one person says (hearsay) to force others into hiring you and as you apparently found out, that does not work.

    I have no idea whether or not you will be able to drive a class A, B or C Vehicle, but if you can, it certainly will not be because you caused trouble for another company. No one likes, nor wants a trouble maker. And why should they?

    I cannot say for sure, whether you can actually get a CDL. There are disqualifications that may very well prevent you. Here is a quote from the North Carolina CDL Manual.

    Has no mental, nervous, organic, or functional disease or
    psychiatric disorder likely to interfere with his/her ability to
    drive a commercial motor vehicle safely.

    I think if you are honest with yourself, you will agree that there is at least a chance, that this may very well prevent you from getting your CDL. Maybe not.

    You can run a round and fight the good fight, or do the best thing and sit down and talk with an attorney. Ask him if your disorder will prevent you from getting a CDL in your state. And listen to what he has to say. If you find that truck driving is not going to work for you, find yourself another job that might be close. For example, driving a delivery truck, might appeal to you.

    Your attorney will also tell you if you have a case for a class action.

    2nd from last, I removed your link to your blog. You have not earned a link, which should appear in a signature with a tasteful tag line after you have made 5 post. Please read the forum rules.

    And last, regardless of the way you decide to go from here, we wish you much luck and much success. Admin
    Last edited by Admin; 05-09-2013 at 11:03 PM.
    RoadTrucker Inc
    Products for Trucking and Driving Comfort

  3. #3

    read this reply....

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    First I am sorry to hear that you have a problem that can be very debilitating and I do hope that you are able to keep it in control.

    That said, I also think you are taking the wrong approach. No one owes you a job, despite how badly you may need it and running an emotional blog with a Google PR of 0, basically means that very few will read it. I tried. You go on and on saying very little of real value. I get it. Your angry at CR England, but it appears you are trying to use what one person says (hearsay) to force others into hiring you and as you apparently found out, that does not work.

    I have no idea whether or not you will be able to drive a class A, B or C Vehicle, but if you can, it certainly will not be because you caused trouble for another company. No one likes, nor wants a trouble maker. And why should they?

    I cannot say for sure, whether you can actually get a CDL. There are disqualifications that may very well prevent you. Here is a quote from the North Carolina CDL Manual.

    Has no mental, nervous, organic, or functional disease or
    psychiatric disorder likely to interfere with his/her ability to
    drive a commercial motor vehicle safely.

    I think if you are honest with yourself, you will agree that there is at least a chance, that this may very well prevent you from getting your CDL. Maybe not.

    You can run a round and fight the good fight, or do the best thing and sit down and talk with an attorney. Ask him if your disorder will prevent you from getting a CDL in your state. And listen to what he has to say. If you find that truck driving is not going to work for you, find yourself another job that might be close. For example, driving a delivery truck, might appeal to you.

    Your attorney will also tell you if you have a case for a class action.

    2nd from last, I removed your link to your blog. You have not earned a link, which should appear in a signature with a tasteful tag line after you have made 5 post. Please read the forum rules.

    And last, regardless of the way you decide to go from here, we wish you much luck and much success. Admin

    So you know all dot physical through Nevada and California that I have ask and said dot regulations don't stop me from it why is this one doctor being an ass..
    Last edited by Admin; 05-09-2013 at 11:03 PM.

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