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Thread: A Good Series ID Channel Unsual Suspects 271

  1. #1

    A Good Series ID Channel Unsual Suspects 271

    The ID Channel 271 Unusual Suspects series week ' Nites true factual details the good cops' putting felons in jail.
    One' sagment shown from Tennesee about a peeping Tom who lives on ' Campus and turns out to be.
    The person caught and prosecueted worth watching for those who like to see the bad guys caught.
    One of the actors is from Washington State. The actor Charlies Navier Reccardo. this guy is good!.
    All of the girls love him. you can bet we will see more of him. And' He s not the bad guy!
    One good moving series'.
    Last edited by Cruze; 05-12-2016 at 03:25 PM. Reason: Correction


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