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Thread: Hi

  1. #1


    Hi I wanted too do OTR truck driving, I'm 29 and just got my class C in California ok so the reason why late because, I was lazy and finally got around it lol, here my 101 I been arrested for receiving stolen property misdemeanor and just got off probation 2 mo ago I just got my Class C 1 week ago is there a OTR trucking Company that will hire me and help me get my CDL

  2. #2
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    You could try the FMCSA or your state DOT. Not sure if it will stop you or if Trucking companies will not hire you. There is a shortage in truckers, so you may be able. Call a few larger companies and talk to personnel about it. They are often tuned into the industry and can give you a more definitive answer.
    RoadTrucker Inc
    Products for Trucking and Driving Comfort

  3. #3
    Almost all the large carriers will pay for your school with some sort of commitment to be their slave for 3-5 years.


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