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Thread: Importance of Drinking Water While Driving.

  1. #1

    Importance of Drinking Water While Driving.

    Dehydrated driver made more mistakes than when they had plenty of fluids.

    Men in their early twenties took part in two driving experiments that tested their driving skills, once while well hydrated, and once while dehydrated.

    According to a new study conducted in the United Kingdom men in the dehydrated state made around double the number of driving errors during the two-hour drive compared with the hydrated group.

    Source: defensivedriving
    Stay Safe

  2. #2
    RT Amateur akash55rashtogi's Avatar
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    Aug 2019
    Chandigarh, India
    Truck drivers are especially prone to dehydration. Many truckers don't drink enough water because they don't want to stop for frequent bathroom breaks. And while there's no evidence that caffeinated drinks cause dehydration, they can be a mild diuretic in large amounts.

  3. #3
    whoa..sometimes I just drink a little because I know I would pee a lot and I don't want to make so many stops.

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