Hi Marie. Nice job on the Fuel Tax article, "What you need to know about IRP / IFTA " you wrote last week. I do have a suggetsion. Some of the states do not make their own rules about fuel tax. A mention of that woudl be helpful. Thanx ae.
Hi Marie. Nice job on the Fuel Tax article, "What you need to know about IRP / IFTA " you wrote last week. I do have a suggetsion. Some of the states do not make their own rules about fuel tax. A mention of that woudl be helpful. Thanx ae.
Thank you ae and monding. I actually posted another article that explains that. Please see Does IFTA Cover All of the States?
hi ae3799t
The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is an agreement among jurisdictions to simplify the reporting of fuel use taxes by interstate motor carriers. Copies of the Articles of Agreement, Policies & Procedures and the Audit Manual can be obtained from the juridiction .
Advantages of IFTA include:
- A single fuel tax license, which authorizes your vehicles to travel in all
member jurisdictions.
- A single fuel tax report, which details your operations in each of the
member jurisdictions.
- Fewer audits, generally performed only by Nevada auditors. Each
jurisdiction audits their base carriers.
License your vehicles IFTA if:
- You operate IFTA “qualified motor vehicles".
- You are interstate motor carrier, and;
- You keep operational control and records for your vehicles or
can make your records available to u