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Thread: Driver needs a helping hand.

  1. #1
    RT Movin' Along haunted1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Joplin MO

    Unhappy Driver needs a helping hand.

    I am not sure how this will be taken but I am going to post a link to a payforward account. If any are interested in helping out a now unemployed Driver feel free to click the following link.

    Just so you know I drove another 8 months after the accident I speak of before I had to quit. I didn't want to stop driving. But after three months of them telling me I had " pulled muscles" I finally had a mri done and it showed herniated discs in my pelvis.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by haunted1 View Post
    I am not sure how this will be taken but I am going to post a link to a payforward account. If any are interested in helping out a now unemployed Driver feel free to click the following link.

    Just so you know I drove another 8 months after the accident I speak of before I had to quit. I didn't want to stop driving. But after three months of them telling me I had " pulled muscles" I finally had a mri done and it showed herniated discs in my pelvis.
    your posting is very ambiguous as to what, when, where you had this "accident".

    why did you not file for workman's comp ASAP, and secure an attorney well versed in comp claims?

    if you are unemployed, can't you collect unemployment benefits?

    sorry for your problem(s), but for one, never give money,

    good luck to you.

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