I've always been a proponent of releasing the brakes and steer/counter steer without acceleration, of course dependent on the dynamics of each individual situation I suppose that there could be times when acceleration could be the correct action. But for me, most of the time in hazard or emergency I have almost always found that slower is better.
NOTE: Two different sites with answers that are contradicting.
site #1 general knowledge test
To correct a rear wheel (drive wheel) braking skid, you should:
A. Apply more braking pressure to the brake pedal
B. Release brakes and accelerate. (Your Answer)
C. Apply more pressure to the brake pedal and steer/counter steer.
D. Release the brakes and steer/counter steer. (Correct Answer)
Site #2 general knowledge test
To correct a rear wheel (drive wheel) braking skid, you should:
a. Apply more braking pressure to the brake pedal
b. Release brakes and accelerate.
c. Apply more pressure to the brake pedal and steer counter steer.
d. Release the brakes and steer/counter steer.
Correct Answer: Release brakes and accelerate.
Your Answer: Release the brakes and steer/counter steer.