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Thread: Truck Drivers Healthy Breakfast Ideas

  1. #1

    Truck Drivers Healthy Breakfast Ideas

    1. Greek Yogurt
    - Be careful though as some brands can have a lot of added sugar. You could opt for a plain cup of Greek yogurt and mix up your own fresh fruit in it. You could also use it in a smoothie, or mix some tomatoes with it and use as a creamy sauce in a homemade omelet.

    2. Hard Boiled Eggs
    - Pair a hard boiled egg with some fruit and cottage cheese or prepare a breakfast burrito using scrambled eggs, cheese, and a whole wheat tortilla.

    3. Whole Wheat Toast and Peanut Butter
    - Top it with some natural peanut or almond butter for a high protein morning meal.

    4. Protein/Cereal Bars
    - Look for low-fat, high protein bars without much added sugar to get the most bang for your buck. Fiber is a bonus, too.

    5. Fruit
    - Try a banana or apple with some natural peanut butter for a grab and go breakfast.

    6. Cottage Cheese
    - Mix it with any of the above options, or top with fruit and honey for a yummy energy boost in the morning.

    Stay Safe

  2. #2
    Acknowledged User Granning's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Great ideas! When I saw the thread title I was going to post all of those things. One of my favourites is greek yogurt with frest fruit mix and granola.

  3. #3
    i prefer wheat toast and almond butter for a high protein morning meal

  4. #4
    Great choice of morning meal.
    Stay Safe

  5. #5
    RT Amateur ester744's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    It's a great breakfast choice for anyone.

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