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Thread: Driver Saftey Technology

  1. #1

    Red face Driver Saftey Technology

    Hi I am working on a new product that would be a Steering Wheel Cover that would have technology to alert the driver if he or she was falling asleep. I want to get some feedback about the product and any general comments would be awesome!

    Heres a product description:
    Problem:One of the largest safety issues for drivers is that they are scared that they might fall asleep at the wheel. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration nearly 100,00 police reported crashes occur each year due to “drowsy driving.” 60 % of adult drivers claim to have driven a vehicle while drowsy. Driving drowsy and falling asleep at the wheel can be dangerous not only for the driver,but for everyone around them. This “drowsy driving” is a serious problem that leads to a numerous amounts of deaths each year.
    Solution:Our solution to this problem is to create a steering wheel cover that implements technology that will alert the driver when they are nodding off.Our product uses grip sensor technology and facial recognition software integrated in a way that is more cost effective and the convenience of a steering wheel cover allows it to be integrated in to any sort of vehicle, of any make,model, or year.

    Price 50$

  2. #2
    Admin Admin's Avatar
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    There are a few systems that try to detect tired drivers. a couple of mechanics in Italy have a system that monitors the hand grip. Washing state University has a system that detects variability in the movement of the steering. Mercedes has one that detects eye movement. And I think that Volvo has a unit that detects side to side movement of the vehicle. And there is probably more. They seem to all have their drawbacks, but all also have some potential too. Regardless, good luck with your system, but don't forget to read the forum rules.. ;O)
    Last edited by Admin; 11-18-2014 at 12:37 AM.
    RoadTrucker Inc
    Products for Trucking and Driving Comfort

  3. #3
    That sounds good idea

  4. #4
    Love the idea. Could be a life saver! Looking forward to seeing it on the market.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by iamreallyitchy View Post
    Hi I am working on a new product that would be a Steering Wheel Cover that would have technology to alert the driver if he or she was falling asleep. I want to get some feedback about the product and any general comments would be awesome!

    Heres a product description:
    Problem:One of the largest safety issues for drivers is that they are scared that they might fall asleep at the wheel. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration nearly 100,00 police reported crashes occur each year due to “drowsy driving.” 60 % of adult drivers claim to have driven a vehicle while drowsy. Driving drowsy and falling asleep at the wheel can be dangerous not only for the driver,but for everyone around them. This “drowsy driving” is a serious problem that leads to a numerous amounts of deaths each year.
    Solution:Our solution to this problem is to create a steering wheel cover that implements technology that will alert the driver when they are nodding off.Our product uses grip sensor technology and facial recognition software integrated in a way that is more cost effective and the convenience of a steering wheel cover allows it to be integrated in to any sort of vehicle, of any make,model, or year.

    Price 50$
    here's the thing about your invention.

    some drivers have arthritis in thier hands, so they may not grip the steering wheel all that hard. some drivers have "droopy eyes" from birth, or as they aged.

    the one thing that i have seen and works quite well, is a device like a hearing aid, that wraps around the ear. as the driver, "nods off" it sets off an alarm, and "wakes up" the driver.

    but here is the bigger problem. some drivers have deadlines to meet. they do not get enough sleep when they should. some drivers do not take a quick break when they should. in other words some drivers push themselves, which they shouldn't.

    truck stops, are for fueling, bathing, eating, relaxing, and sleeping...not playing video games, chit-chatting on the CB looking for sex, or generally being an arse to other drivers.

    until a driver really learns to take care of him/her self, snake oil devices will always be around. and some drivers will buy them,. use them once or twice, and toss them to the side.

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