We are in a large metropolitan area and get approximately 50 trucks a day. Loads are from numerous companies, so no one company is the problem.
In the last 2 years, we have noticed a definite increase in OTR drivers calling to get directions to our location from pick up points out of state. I can give them directions from Canada, but not from the East coast. The owner has said to tell them to get GPS and hang up. IMO, that's just rude. But the constant calls do get really frustrating.
Also, there has been an enormous increase in drivers where English is not their native language and they appear to not read, speak or understand English. Again, frustrating when they do not/can not follow verbal or written instructions.
I have confirmed the delivery address on our purchase orders and have GPS'd the location myself as a test. Everything is accurate. As I am in the office, I am unable to contact the individual company and rectify the problem at the time it occurs.
Any suggestions on how to handle this (except suck it up cube monkey) is appreciated.