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Thread: Whats giving us a bad name.

  1. #1

    Whats giving us a bad name.

    Driving back from Pennsylvania, I came across a trucker hauling a ship container. Truck blowing smoke from one state to another, old old Volvo many lights out including a missing headlight bucket and light. Truck had replace fenders, on top of it he was just a horrible driver. Im not saying anything bad about old equipment, Volvo's or whatever. Just some trucks need to be off the road for good, a long with the driver at times if you know what I mean. Do I call DOT report the truck or Just ignore and move on. Being a x GI I like to be safe and in control, thus keeping those around me safe and in control. I feel ignoring is not me. I let it go and now its bugging if I should have said something. Should I have and would have you.

  2. #2
    You should call DOT report the truck. He needs to buy a new truck.
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  3. #3
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    I agree with Marissa. Truckers get beat up with FMCSA regulations in large part to guys who push the limits and drive under dangerous conditions. I certainly would not complain of a light being out, but at some point, enough is enough and someone needs to step up to the plate. Admin
    Last edited by Admin; 09-24-2014 at 01:18 PM.
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