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View Poll Results: Does the recent hours-of-service changes impact your company?

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  • Yes. They make a big difference.

    0 0%
  • No. I can hardly see any advantage or disadvantage

    0 0%
  • I am still trying to observe the pros and cons

    2 100.00%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: POLL of the WEEK - HOS Opinion

  1. #1

    POLL of the WEEK - HOS Opinion

    How has the recent hours-of-service changes impacted your company? Are you in support or opposition of them?

    Jonathan Trimble of AMS Logistics says:

    "I don't think it has had a major impact on business on the carrier side of things. It has however made things a bit trickier in terms of load planning / booking for drivers. I think it has however drove up the cost on transportation due to already existing shortages."

    What can you say about the New HOS changes?
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  2. #2
    How can I take legal action against a factoring company ?

  3. #3
    Admin Admin's Avatar
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    If you have a legitimate compliant, I would recommend you talk to an Attorney. They usually consult for free and let you know if you have a case or not.
    RoadTrucker Inc
    Products for Trucking and Driving Comfort

  4. #4
    question.what factoring company you can offer ?
    Last edited by Admin; 02-02-2016 at 08:26 PM.

  5. #5
    Admin Admin's Avatar
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    Although technically, factoring is not a loan, it is very similar. You pay for the money upfront when you accept less then what you actually made. I am not in favor of loans, nor factoring, unless you absolutely need to use them.

    What happens if they cannot collect? I would read the contract very carefully and especially look for those type of situations. You may find, that you would owe them.

    There are 2 types, recourse and non-recourse factoring. Obviously you would pay less for recourse factoring, but if they cannot collect on the bill, then you are responsible. Not your customer.

    And by the way, don't think for 1 second, that you are not suspected of being a spammer and will try and post some factoring website. When you do, the post will not show, naturally they will all be deleted and you will be banned. This thread was for HOS. Admin
    Last edited by Admin; 02-02-2016 at 08:42 PM.
    RoadTrucker Inc
    Products for Trucking and Driving Comfort

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