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Thread: What not to take for Backpacking

  1. #1

    What not to take for Backpacking

    Bacpacking as a well-known way of travel allows you flexibility with your itinerary and requires lesser expenses than booking into hotels. Sure there could be a long list that you would prepare so you won't forget any valuable and wanted items. However, as you go along with your list, there are things which you might not consider bringing:

    Large guidebooks - better do your research before you go and print out or photocopy information needed for travel.
    Laptops and other ******s - don't take anything valuable and expensive because theft is just everywhere and you would likely regret to lose things that can't easily be replaced.
    Hair dryer - some hostels provide facilities like the use of hair dryers so there's no use of bringing this item. Besides, this is a bulky thing that would take up much space of your backpack.

    Meanwhile, there are also little items that are worth bringing such as camera, personal music player, car seat back organizers, flashlight, extra batteries, 12 volt LED map light, a money belt, a small pouch or bag for use during the day.
    Last edited by Marie; 08-13-2012 at 05:21 AM.
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  2. #2
    A towel. Might seem like a good idea to be able to dry yourself off after a shower or bath but a wet towel stuffed in your pack takes up a lot of room and not to mention the smell.

    Extra shoes. This also seems like a good idea but it also unnecessary and takes up too much room. You're much better off with one good pair of comfortable shoes.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by the_future View Post
    A towel. Might seem like a good idea to be able to dry yourself off after a shower or bath but a wet towel stuffed in your pack takes up a lot of room and not to mention the smell.

    Extra shoes. This also seems like a good idea but it also unnecessary and takes up too much room. You're much better off with one good pair of comfortable shoes.
    TBH, and when Im on the road, I use my old clothes to dry myself off after But of course I make sure they are reasonably clean. Towels take up a lot room for sure and I don't bring extra shoes too. Just one each on my big foot.
    A Variety of Trucking and Traveling Items

  4. #4
    Heap of books. This is that very case when you'd better opt for an e-book. Even if you like the smell and feel of paper pages. Books add to the weight like anything, besides, the're in miserable state after backpacking.

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