In celebration of National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, we, at RoadTrucker Trucking forum would like to say, THANK YOU, truckers for making it possible for millions of people across USA to receive essential supplies every single day.
We hope that this celebration is worthwhile as others have apparently seen some disrespect of drivers at shipping dock. Kevin Jones on Overdrive sister site CCJ writes, "If carriers really want to show drivers their appreciation, they need to work with their own customers to mitigate the disrespect drivers are shown by shippers and receivers, especially when it comes to detention time."
According to a BB&T survey of 4,000 drivers, pay was the leading reason most leave their jobs, followed closely by the “lack of recognition or respect,” at more than 30 percent. Notably, that sensitivity to disrespect is a bigger problem for drivers than not getting enough time at home. Source: CCJ
So, in your opinion, do drivers really feel appreciated?