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Thread: 6.8 cents increase for national diesel

  1. #1

    6.8 cents increase for national diesel

    Diesel update as of Sept. 3 -- the Energy Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy reported a price increase of national on-highway diesel nearly 7 cents a gallon (6.8 cents) to $3.981, compared with the $3.913 a gallon it was selling for a week ago.

    Prices at all 10 of the EIA’s reporting sectors were up, with the price up 7.5 cents in the Central Atlantic region, where truckers were paying $4.055 a gallon compared with the $3.980 they were paying last week at the pump.

    The national price of diesel hasn’t crested above the $4-a-gallon mark since March 25 but may go up to $4 soon if oil prices continue to rise on reports of Syrian unrest or unrest in other oil-producing countries. Syria is near oil-producing countries although not a major oil producer itself.

    The reported the highest price for diesel is $4.210 a gallon in the California region.

    Report at:
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  2. #2
    Diesel price increasing in every country, in our country it is increased. It has affected small business people.

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