UD Trucks, a Japanese truck maker formerly known as Nissan Diesel America and now a subsidiary of Sweden’s Volvo Group. The all-new multi-model truck line dubbed the “Quester” is being aimed at the heart of Asia’s ever more lucrative commercial vehicle markets.

Chairman of UD Trucks and Volvo’s executive VP-group trucks sales & marketing in Asia Joachim Rosenberg said that the "Quester s a modern yet affordable vehicle; it allows customization for most transport requirements and it is based on a complete and up-to-date heavy duty truck platform designed to serve a wide range of applications and it enables ex****ent fuel consumption and high average speeds."

See the quest of the Quester:

UD’s Rosenberg added that a production system for completely built-up UD Trucks is under development in Thailand, India and China; a system obviously designed to expand on demand should the Quester spark interest among Asian truck owners.

Who knows? The Quester might be available in the U.S. one day. That remains to be seen. But for now, let’s see how it does within Asian commercial truck markets first.