This week's Featured Trucker is Mr. Tracy A Giffin Sr!
Tracy is an Owner Operator @ Sammons Trucking out of Missoula, MT. He has been driving for 17 yrs, been in every state but Maine...
"In that 17 yrs, I'm almost at 2 million miles. Married to a wonderful wife Ellie martino Giffin, she has a fb page too. I have 5 boys, 2 of them are mine w 3 grandsons, and 3 other boys. Names goes as tollows Tracy Giffin II, Joseph,Giffin, Gabriel Giffin, Tyson Thompson, and Jacob Giffin."
"Don't forget my puppy little Maggie I rescued from a gal that couldn't have her anymore. I deasheaded 200 just to get her."
Tracy is currently applying for passport to haul up to Canada, and Alaska.