OSHA or occupational health and safety administration is a federal agency and it is instituted based on occupational health and safety act. OSHA enforces health and safety standards and improves the working conditions of workers. It persuades organisations to adhere to OSHA standards and maintain safe working environment. OSHA issues health and safety regulations based on Occupational Safety and Health Act. OSHA strives to reach out to workers in all parts of the world. These regulations include requirements for safety procedures, protective equipments and employee access to information. It is essential to provide protective equipments such as masks, gloves, shields and helmets at work. Employers should ensure that the workers are provided these safety equipments and provided specific instructions to prevent hazards. Workers should avoid exposure to chemicals and toxic substances. OSHA sends safety and health officers to worksites for inspections and assessing penalty for violations on OSHA standards. Inspections are planned for hazardous industries and for work sites with frequent accidents. There can be inspection planned at certain sites where accidents have occurred and also in response to the complaints from workers. OSHA enforces its standards on certain organisations to improve the health and safety factors. Employers should consider it their priority to adhere to the OSHA standards and maintain their organisations according to it. OSHA has introduced many training, health and safety programs to propagate its standards. OSHA has an integral role in improving the working conditions of workers in many parts of the world.