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Thread: Ready for New HOS on July 1st?

  1. #1

    Ready for New HOS on July 1st?

    Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA) will officially begin enforcing the new Hours of Service (HOS) regulations for all commercial motor vehicles that are involved in interstate commerce.

    Individual state rules apply, so a trucking company or driver that operates only within one state is not obliged to comply with FMCSA rules. The new changes will mostly affect the long-haul truck drivers and their employers, secondly by shippers and brokers who hire them.

    A change in drivers' on-duty and off-duty periods expressed as fewer miles per day or fewer hauls per week worries fleet owners as reduced productivity. From the driver's side, the new rules could lead to a forced reduction in total work hours, with a corresponding pay cut, due to mandatory breaks and the 34-hour restart.

    A two-day job may stretch to three days, a factor that could add to pressure on rates. Are truckers really ready for this? What are your thoughts?
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  2. #2
    My thought is, government should keep their noses out of what they no nothing about. Oh, wait that would be everything.

  3. #3
    No matter what, do your best to STAY AWAY FROM the GOVERNMENT. I cant stress this enough. taxes everywhere plus new rules and regulations every now and then. im sick of it.
    A Variety of Trucking and Traveling Items

  4. #4
    Additional info about HOS effective on Monday, July 1st:

    >May take a 34-hour Restart BUT
    >Must include TWO 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. periods
    >May only take once a week (7 days or 168 hours since the beginning of the last restart)
    >Must take 30 minutes off any time before concluding the 8th hour of driving

    *Includes 8 hours of driving an/or on-duty
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  5. #5
    Yup, definently need big brother to take care of us ignorant folk. After all they know what is best for us, and without them we could not take care of ourselves. The transition from freedom is upon us.

    As for the HOS, more regulations to control the industry, and its people. Just another way to tell us when to drive, sleep, and take breaks. We could not figure that out for ourselves, we need government intervention?

    I'll get off my soap box now.

  6. #6
    Yes... *sigh. Either way around, truckers must follow the new HOS.
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

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