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Thread: What's the funniest radio handle you've heard?

  1. #1

    What's the funniest radio handle you've heard?

    I'm reminded about a long ago girlfriend's uncle (a trucker) and how he somehow once set his shirt on fire. He developed a radio handle of "Smokey Nips" and told the story wherever he went. He supposedly stood out and was very memorable to people on the CB.

  2. #2
    ^Haha that's a good one!

  3. #3
    ^ haha how do you set your shirt on fire?

    As far as the funniest thing I've ever heard on the radio, I honestly wouldn't be able to remember. I probably need to listen to more radio.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth-Apple View Post
    ^ haha how do you set your shirt on fire?
    Not sure I remember exactly but he had spilled something and was lighting a cigarette (it was 20+ years ago). He always said the "smokey" part had people sometimes thinking he was law enforcement as well.

  5. #5
    I guess that would do it. That's one of the reasons I don't smoke. Me and fire never go together.

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