We would like to say Thank You to the following users who shared 5+ posts and therefore promoted to the "Acknowledged Users" group. You may now create your own signatures!:
billy, blackw900, bwaa, cooper, Darth-Apple, deaf_forever, Hoolio, Justin Langford, newberick, sergetret, Snowpony, the_future.
How will my Signature Appear?
- Your signature can be a favorite saying or a motto that describes you and your outlook in life.
- It can also be a link to your website, social site, or other organizations.
How Can I Create a Signature? (Maximum of 120 characters for text)
- After you log in, click Settings located above the header.
- Click Edit Signature under My Settings which is located on the left side menu.
- Type your desired signature in the box provided. Use the editor tools to customize your signature.
- You may click Preview Signature, and then Save Signature.