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View Poll Results: How long does it take to find parking from the time you take a break?

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  • Less than 15 minutes

    1 33.33%
  • Less than 30 minutes

    2 66.67%
  • Less than an hour

    0 0%
  • 1 Hour +

    0 0%
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Thread: 2013 Safe Truck Parking Survey

  1. #1

    Post 2013 Safe Truck Parking Survey

    For over 20 years, safe available truck parking has been an issue for professional truck drivers. Many times drivers are forced to drive either sleepy or park illegally, and even in unsafe isolated areas.

    The goal of this survey is to bring awareness to the fact that there is significant lack of safe available commercial vehicle parking space, on or near interstates, for truck drivers who want or need to park.
    As part of the Transportation Bill MAP 21, the Jason's Law was passed (2012) and would pursue to allow a funding for more safe truck parking, but there's a need for a D.O.T study in order to allow funding for those states who demonstrate the need for it.

    For all those truckers who are greatly affected with lack of safe parking areas, you could be "the voices" taking part in this survey. Your participation in this survey is important in the quest to end or at least minimize the truck parking crisis affecting so many.

    In about 10-20 minutes, you can voice out your opinions which will remain anonymous. The results of this survey will be shared with the DOT.

    Above is one of the questions in the survey. Take the full survey at
    Last edited by Marie; 05-15-2013 at 12:45 AM.
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  2. #2
    RT Semi-Skilled marksoldtowne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    1391 N Jefferson St. Anaheim CA 92807
    hi marie ,i believe it ,2013 safe parking survey successful only when every professional truck driver take the time to this National Survey which will be the ultimate voice expressing the need for more safe truck parking gives more result & minimize the problem related with parking.

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