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Hi Marie,
Nice to meet you! I am sure we will have many fun stories to share, we are a couple of crackpots-always making each other laugh. We always have had a great time driving anywhere, in the car, on the boat, the RV, we have a lot of fun stories there I can tell ya sometime hahaha! We thought we might just get an empty trailer and paint the side "Trucker's Counseling" and set up in a parking area and counsel truckers about their relationships! Hahahaha! My smart ***** takes credit cards too LOL! See what I mean, we are too crazy! Heck, maybe we can steer some 'lizards' to a clean life, helping them create a better self esteem and gain self respect. That's a whole other post tho, I feel so sad for these women, they don't know their real true worth, so sad to see it. ANY hoo...once I figure out all the business side to this life, I know it will be cool. I know there will be hard times and great times, but together we will make it work. I am really enjoying reading the forum, and checked out the products as well-cool stuff!! I'll be talking with ya!