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Thread: For anyone who has been train wreck cause of C.R. England read this

  1. #1

    For anyone who has been train wreck cause of C.R. England read this

    Here is a link to my blog it describes what happen to me with them and there driving school. and the two time I've been to there driving school I have seen this situation happen to many others I would like to reach out to them and get together..heres my blog

    Note: Link removed for forum violation on advertising.

    if you know of other that have been mess up by c.r.england pass this blog on to them
    Last edited by Admin; 12-16-2014 at 10:49 PM. Reason: Forum advertising

  2. #2
    First off, I have seen your blog from another site. Still trying to complain about a company, even if it is not the best, which gave you a chance. Since your medical problems stopped you why is it Englands fault? Taking responsibility for your own actions is the begining. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Menehune View Post
    First off, I have seen your blog from another site. Still trying to complain about a company, even if it is not the best, which gave you a chance. Since your medical problems stopped you why is it Englands fault? Taking responsibility for your own actions is the begining. Good luck.
    It's there doctors fault down at one of there schools that I couldn't pass through from what I have found out I can get my class a license and drive once again, and all of englands doctors are saying I could get my physical done and get my license done but it's just one of there doctors that saying no and it's there policy at England not to hire people like me!!!!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Langford View Post
    It's there doctors fault down at one of there schools that I couldn't pass through from what I have found out I can get my class a license and drive once again, and all of englands doctors are saying I could get my physical done and get my license done but it's just one of there doctors that saying no and it's there policy at England not to hire people like me!!!!
    Their company, their rules. You dont like the rules move on. Besides it took you two times before you realized there was a problem? Dont you think that if you had went somewhere else the first time that you could have avoided all this?

  5. #5
    yeah well if had looked into the idiots at CRE I wouldn't have's okay I have 10 people already and were talking to a lawyer for what they have done to all of us...I know a guy the owe over $15,000 dollar in taxes to the irs, that CRE deducted out of the persons paycheck but never sent it to the irs. and other have stuff on there dac report that's costing them jobs. and the stuff is false stuff.

  6. #6
    Accusations are easy to make, just hope you have proof. Just that they seem to be the brunt of a lot of accusations. Most of which, as I believe, are unwarrented. You all do what you feel is right, that is the American way. If you have a legitimate beef, I hope you all get what is coming to you. That said, is England is not in the wrong I hope you all get taken to the cleaners, as there are too much frivilous law suites now. Either way, good luck.

  7. #7
    I'm trying to get back on the road after a two year retirement. Problem is I'm 67, no health problems but guess what, most companies don't want old farts like me. I'm not going to cry about it, I'll just keep looking until someone wants my over forty years of experience. I don't know much about England, but I have talked to some of their drivers from time to time and I don't remember any of them slinging mud, at least not any more than any others.

  8. #8
    I have never had a problem with trucking companies accepting my age(64).

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