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Thread: New Rig - now what?

  1. #1

    New Rig - now what?

    I just retired from the Army and graduated truck driving school. I sold everything I own and bought a fully loaded 2014 KW T-680, I wanted to do Long Hawl stuff. I have been delivering fliers to any place I see trailers or containers. I only got one job and that was to move a container to a place 1 mile away. I have been sleeping at various truck stops and hanging out with other truckers, they love my new rig and laugh when I tell them my story. so here I am, a new $236,000 rig and no place to go. Is there a web site that has a listing that I can bid on. ? I am starting out charging .75 cents a mile and a minimum charge of $100. I really want to hook up and drive

  2. #2
    Admin Admin's Avatar
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    Wilmington, NC; USA
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    Are you looking to just pickup loads, or are you looking for a job with a company? It sounds like you need to figure out what you want to do and then find the options that allow it. For example, if you want to work for a company, then a good job board will help. There should be little trouble for you, since truckers are in very high demand. The enrolment is down as much as 20 to perhaps 25%. You only need to apply.

    If you only want to pickup a load now and then, a load board would be best for you. There are free boards, but you might be better served to use one that you pay by the month. 2 that come to mind are and, who offers a 15 day free trial. Good luck.
    RoadTrucker Inc
    Products for Trucking and Driving Comfort

  3. #3
    It sounds like your wanting power only . I suggest finding a small company with decent rates. Your rate is to low you'll be broke in no time.

  4. #4
    RT Movin' Along bigsemitruckscom's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    There are a lot of companies that let you drop and hook their trailers, which is a good place to start. Wendy is right. you're rates are way low. If you aren't making $1.50 you wont pay for fuel and insurance. I recommend you find a reputable company that has license, insurance,dispatchers and trailers. Run for a year and get the feel for the business, then decide if you want to hunt your own freight. It is a lot to learn, all at once. No reason to shoot your self in the foot. Have fun. Keep a map of the US with you. Mark the towns you pick up in blue the places you drop in green and the places you never want to see again in red. In a year you'll be amazed at the things you've seen!!

  5. #5
    You gave a lot of good advise I pulled for a 560 truck company pulling their trailer in the mid west average $2.90 to $3.25 a mile however I'm a small company pulling for a larger outfit beware of cheap companies taking advantage of owner ops


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