A drop of 1.3 cents make the U.S cost of diesel to fall below the $4 per gallon mark for the first time since January 28. Compared to last week when it was $4.006 a gallon, now it's just $3.993. According to reports, regional prices has dropped except for the West Coast where it gained amounting to $4.116 per gallon.
Other weekly price changes are as follows:
-East Coast: New England (highest), Central Atlantic, Lower Atlantic sub-regions - $4.025, down 2.5 cents.
-Lower Atlantic, $3.958, down 2.5 cents.
-Central Atlantic, $4.083, down 2.6 cents.
-Midwest, $3.97, down 0.9 cents.
-Rocky Mountain, $3.922, down 1.3 cents.
-California, $4.20, up 5.3 cents.
Along with diesel, gasoline also declined with an average of $3.645 per gallon, the lowest since March 11. Diesel prices were down as per U.S. Energy Department Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports and the EIA expects oil and diesel to be “volatile” all this year with swings up and down.
See each reporting sector's data on prices.