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Thread: FMCSA Denies Request to Delay HOS Changes

  1. #1

    FMCSA Denies Request to Delay HOS Changes

    The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has denied a request by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) to delay the changes to the hours-of-service regulations that are scheduled to be implemented on July 1, 2013.

    As recalled earlier, CVSA sent a letter to FMCSA, requesting that the agency delay the implementation of the revised 34-hour restart and mandatory break provision until three months after the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia issues its decision on pending litigation.

    CVSA stated that the delay would help to avoid potentially duplicative and unnecessary training for both enforcement and industry, and would prevent confusion should the Court’s decision alter the final rule.

    In its response, FMCSA denied the request, stating that uncertainty over the possible outcome of litigation does not create the likelihood that the industry or enforcement community would suffer harm due to wasted training resources or confusion.

    This is the second request for a delay that has been denied by FMCSA. The agency also denied a similar request by the American Trucking Association.

    Source: J.J Keller
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  2. #2
    The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has denied the request of the American Trucking Associations to delay implementation of the new Hours of Service rule pending a decision by the court on the merits of a petition by ATA and safety advocacy groups to have the rule overturned.

    The ATA made the request in a letter Jan. 25 from ATA President and CEO Bill Graves to FMCSA Administrator Anne Ferro.

    “The FMCSA has evaluated the issues raised in your letter and, for the reasons set forth in this response, has determined that staying the compliance date of the rule is not warranted,” FMCSA Chief Counsel T.F. Scott Darling III, said in a Feb. 22 letter to Graves.

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