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In general, Over-the-road trucking (OTR) has proven to be a living nightmare for new CDL drivers and veterans. New student-drivers entering the industry have no idea about how the trucking business works. So a newcomer needs to be aware of the mistakes and misconceptions that so many newbies make when first starting out in the business:
5. Believing that you Earn BIG in OTR trucking - After taxes and expenses, most O/O will end up earning very close to what the average company driver will earn and that is between $35,000 and $42,000 per year gross.
4. Leaving your first driving job too soon - Don't just quit due to lack of miles, etc. Try to stick it out for a year or a couple of years.
3. Moving too FAST too SOON to Success! - Before you jump into the big rig solo try to ask around if it is a good company. Will they give you consistent miles? Are they supportive of their owner operators?
2. Choosing the Wrong CDL Truck Driving School - Consider 3 facts: Is the school licensed by the State? Is it Certified? Is it Accredited?
1. FAILURE to “GET STARTED” ASAP! - Once you receive your CDL license, there is no time for waiting. You must get started driving right away to get those huge job opportunities.