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Thread: I have some questions, ladies...

  1. #1

    Question I have some questions, ladies...

    I am conducting a "poll", if you will, and if I can get as many responses as possible, it would be greatly helpful and appreciated!

    1) What specific radio stations (local, satellite, etc.) do you listen to on the road?

    2) If you ever look on Craigslist for truck repairs, or maintenance, what category(s) do you look in?

    3) If you look on Craigslist for discussion forums, which do you go to?

    4) What trucker classifieds/magazines do you read most often?

    5) What online trucking websites do you use?

    6) What online trucker discussion forums do you visit most often?

    7) Besides CB, how do you communicate with other truck drivers?

    Thank you for your help and Happy Hauling!

  2. #2
    RT Semi-Skilled marksoldtowne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    1391 N Jefferson St. Anaheim CA 92807
    hi RWTrucking
    "over driveTrucking magazine" is mostly read by the trucker. it offers essential business news, latest legislation updates, technical information and advice to enable more efficient and effective business operation.“Desi Trucking Magazine” provides them with a medium for industry updates, industry & community articles, entertainment material, and a platform to share their problems and thoughts in their own language, as well as in English.

  3. #3
    RT Movin' Along haunted1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Joplin MO
    1.) usually late at night talk radio or audio books.
    2.) don't use craigs list.
    3.) I don't but I am a member of a 3D chat known as IMVU . Which I am on daily. My avatar is my image here.
    4.) I don't. to many ads in most of them .
    5.) This one is about it.
    6.) I don't but I do know several truckers on IMVU lol
    7.) Online on imvu, hang out my window, Have been known to fly the bird on occasion that's communicating. lol and **** ***** of people I know.

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