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Thread: Help,Think I have a bad driver trainer

  1. #1
    RT Amateur newbie 1842's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Help,Think I have a bad driver trainer

    I just finished school,got my license in Jan 2013 Just got my first job they have given me a driver trainer who has been driving for 46yrs I'm the only female in this group of trainees when I'm driving with him hes always complaining about other trainees that should have been fired I think hes trying to get rid of me as well!!! Every time I ask him a question he says "I don't know,you have to figure it out" The other trainers are helping their trainees! I have no idea what to do, if I say anything I might be labelled a trouble maker and if I sit back say nothing it could cost me my job he has at times set me up to fail! Don't know what to do????????

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by newbie 1842 View Post
    I just finished school,got my license in Jan 2013 Just got my first job they have given me a driver trainer who has been driving for 46yrs I'm the only female in this group of trainees when I'm driving with him hes always complaining about other trainees that should have been fired I think hes trying to get rid of me as well!!! Every time I ask him a question he says "I don't know,you have to figure it out" The other trainers are helping their trainees! I have no idea what to do, if I say anything I might be labelled a trouble maker and if I sit back say nothing it could cost me my job he has at times set me up to fail! Don't know what to do????????
    Welcome to the forum, newbie 1842. I see you have a grumpy-ish trainer, huh. Did you try to talk to the supervisor or training manager?
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

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