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Thread: Saving money on the road

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Saving money on the road

    Sometimes drivers find themselves on a tight budget as they go on for a trip or two. However, there are simple ways that you can save money and survive on a daily basis.

    - Use your fuel points cards. One of the most widely used is the Advantage card from Pilot Flying J. You get points for every gallon that you fuel up. Let's say 100 points = 1 dollar. If you buy 150-200 gallons, that's a dollar fifty to two dollars that gets out on the card. For those who travel further distances, you can actually have 5-6 dollars a week in the card.

    If you can be wise enough and save up for a few months, then you can buy small items like tools, equipment that you would need for your truck, and other things that you can use everyday like bungee cords and tire thumpers. If there's anything left, then you can stop and buy some coffee or snacks.

    -Maximize your truck’s aerodynamics by using tractor and trailer side skirts, vortex generators, nose cones, trailer tails and brackets for tractor mud flaps.

    -Practice the idea of timing “fresh” and “stale” red and green traffic lights so you don’t have to use extra fuel on starting from a stop.

    -Reduce your carry on weight.

    -Maintain steady driving speeds as often as possible.

    Got more tips? Please add them below so we can collect as many as we can for everyday reference.
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  2. #2
    Keep it at 1400 1500 rpm .


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