RT Amateur
Help, feel blacklisted
back in Oct of 2012. I enrolled in a major trucking school in Ca
Went through the course and aced all my test. though i had some trouble with the alley dock procedure. after the initial courses as i got my cdl and was happy
they put me out on the road, But after two weeks in a truck stop was doing an alley dock and was having problems with it, The trainer was no help all he could say was do it. well in this i ended up backing to much jack knifed and tore off the wind fin from the tractor. And was reported, understandably for sure, was put on accident probation.
Well about 1 1/2 months later coming into the yard i pulled wide, but didn't pull wide enough and tagged a pole, well long story short i was terminated without being allowed to tell my story.
Mind you all through the 2 1/2 months that i was on the road, 15,000 miles. From west coast all the way to and through NY. I had gone through passes with snow/ice no incidents. Learned downhill (Yes you never know enough) as well ice/snow shifting.
Through Meecher, Grapevine, the Rockies. High desert NV and drove through US93 scenic route of which was 100 miles of solid ice. At no time did i ever have any other incidents. and both of the ones that got me terminated were both student errors and both were under 5 miles an hour. even offered to pay for any and all damages and was willing to go back through the courses.
Here is the situation. since then i have not been looked at by any company or school. schools wont even take me on.
These were minor accidents. and of the point of being a student.
I want to be back out on the road, But as i said because of these nobody wants to look at me or take a chance as it were.
Is there anything that i can do or say to change my odds in this
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Winged Blackbear
If the trainer or the one in-charge should have given you a memo, then at least you could have a chance to write a Notice to Explain letter. I agree those were student errors but you've earned a bad reputation which can be difficult to deal with. I say you try to talk it over with your trainer again. Or send a letter of explanation, with apologies, of course.
RT Amateur
Thanks for the hint Marie. Will give it a shot.
My only problem with that is when i go to apply for other jobs. somehow it pops up. have tried everything to get around it without lying. because i know somewhere DOT see's this.
But in anycase. Will give that a try it cant hurt LOL
RT Skilled
Yeah.. i agree with that..if it pops up when you apply for other jobs just try to ignore it. Put a smile on your face and do the best that you can. Best of luck to you Winged Blackbear.
RT Amateur
RT Amateur

Originally Posted by
Buddy Wilgus
are you working now?
As of the moment i am still not working though i have been active in with the sites and such trying to get seen. Still no luck
I did manage, After the damage had been done to get the company to change what it says on the DAC, But now, Companies are saying i don't have enough experience and asking for 1-2 years, Well we know ho that sentence goes, How do you get the experience if nobody want to take a look at you LOL.
I know that i would be a great trucker, just need a chance, But as of right now i am stuck going back to production work till i can figure this out.
Thanks for asking
Winged BlackBear
RT Movin' Along
Fingers crossed for a resolution
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