I am studying for the California HazMat endorsement test. I have a few questions that I can’t find the answers to in the manual. The answers I have are what I think they might be. I was wondering if anyone could help me with these questions. I was also wondering how many questions are actually on the California HazMat endorsement test and how many you are allowed to miss. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. And please, no nasty comments like get the manual because I already have 2 of them. Thanks in advance.
Which of the following statements about Radioactive labels is true?
A- Yellow III indicates the highest level of radioactivity
B- Yellow II indicates the highest level of radioactivity
C- White I indicates the highest level of radioactivity
D- Black III indicates the highest level of radioactivity
Answer: A
The shipper must attach a diamond-shaped label to hazardous materials by?
A- Putting a label on the package
B- Putting a label on a tag attached to the product
C- Putting a label on the product
D- Any one of the above
Answer: D
The product ID markings on a tank must be?
A- Black 4” numbers on orange panels
B- Orange 4” numbers on black panels
C- Green 4” numbers on white panels
D- White 4” numbers on orange panels
Answer: A
At what time is it required for the driver to have an approved gas mask on hand?
A- Any vehicle carrying an inhalation hazard cargo
B- Any vehicle carrying chlorine
C- Any vehicle carrying toxic materials
D- All of the above
Answer: B (A truck driver friend of mine said the answer was “D” but all I found in the manual was answer B)
The driver must also carry on his person at all times a dated certificate signed by the employer. This certificate must also be updated every?
A- 4 years
B- 3 years
C- 2 years
D- 1 year
Answer: C
Which of the following is the proper definition of a cargo tank?
A- A bulk container not permanently attached to a vehicle
B- A bulk container permanently attached to a vehicle
C- Both choices A & B
D- None of the above
Answer: B (In the manual under the definition of a cargo tank it says the answer is both A & B)
A driver that hauls hazardous materials must attend training every?
A- 3 years
B- 2 years
C- 1 year
D- None of the above
Answer: A & B (I’ve seen online that the answer is B but the manual says repeated training every 3 years)
When hauling explosives 1.1 & 1.3 which placard do you use?
A- Explosives 1.3
B- Explosives 1.1
C- Dangerous
D- Both A and C
Answer: B (My truck driver friend said you could use any of these choices because they all apply)
When a spill occurs of an “RQ” (Reportable Quantity) substance the carrier has within ____ to report the spill?
A- 1 week
B- 2 weeks
C- 15 days
D- 60 days
Answer: C (In the manual it says 30 days to file a report but nothing else)
Of the following hazardous materials classes which is the most dangerous?
A- Division 6.1
B- Division 6.2
C- Division 6.3
D- Division 6.4
Answer: A
A placard is required for a combustible liquid at?
A- 110 gallons
B- 100 gallons
C- More than 110 gallons
D- Any amount
Answer: C
A vehicle contains 500 pounds each of Explosives A and B, you must use?
A- “Dangerous” placards
B- “Explosives A” placards
C- “Blasting Agents” placards
D- None of the above
Answer: B