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Thread: sliding Tandom axels cause unexspected drop after forcing release pins

  1. #1
    RT Amateur joe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Question sliding Tandom axels cause unexspected drop after forcing release pins

    Merry Cristmas everyone, I hope you all made it home safe...

    I drive otr and have hade my cdl for almost 2 years. I have found my self in many chalenging situations from black ice to white out sand storms.
    I hope someone can exsplain why my trailer dropped about 22 inches after I had to force the release bar up. I had a short layover at the jubitz of two days. I recieved orders to drop an hook at home depot distribution center. I do my pre trip and drive to my destination. I drop my empty and
    hook to my new trailer. New isn't a good description of this antique great daine but I have a priority load and hook up. My pins are frozen on the sliding tandoms but its nothing new for my company they stopped doing maintanence on the traillers several months ago. I pull forward, then backwards over an over each time checking the pins. I tried w-d40 then a hammer even tried a few choice words I shoulden repeat. This all took about 4 hours. I've had mechanics come out and its a pain takes forever and prefer not to do it.. I get down on my knees put the bar on my shoulder and press up as hard as I can. Well POP it flies loose and drops violently on me leaving a nasty bump...Thank you Joe

  2. #2
    It happens mostly with old Trailers. If the slider pins were not releasing and the trailer has a bar type handle for the pins, you can take a pair of vice-grips and lock the handle in position as far up as you can. get it and then take a sledge hammer and beat the pins in or have someone else lift up on the handle while you rock the Truck back and forth.

    Or maybe the Trailer was sitting on top of the pins, if so then someone slid the tandems too hard and when they broke lose and the Trailer jumped up on top of the pins.
    A Variety of Trucking and Traveling Items

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