Don,t eat fast food fill a cooler with food you make, quit eating that super processed chit. if it takes a little effort to make it will be better for you.
Don,t eat fast food fill a cooler with food you make, quit eating that super processed chit. if it takes a little effort to make it will be better for you.
Health is wealth because with out of the health we cant properly any work in the life.
So we should be eating the healthier food for keep good fitness and the health.
I like these good diets for keep good health like....
1 Fresh vegetable
2 Fresh fruits
3 Dry fruits
4 Fresh juices...
I agree with you both. I say home-made meals are the healthiest. Fresh and no preservatives. Plus, you actually save some bucks than eating fast food. Shop for frozen fruits because thay are the freshest before they are packed and frozen.
Welcome to RT Forum, Junior.Have a wonderful time posting.
Hi Cooper,
Agree with you and like to say we must avoid fast food, junk food and oily food to lose weight and increase health. Eat vegetables and fruits more in your daily diet plans and workout regularly as it will improve your immunity system, lower high blood pressure, cholesterol and reduce the risk of depression, obesity, heart disease and cancer.
Stay healthy is most important way to live longer, look better and feel younger. Sleep eight hours and 10 minutes each night. Worry about the ratio of fatty acids in your diet. Drink 1.5 glasses of red wine each day for the resveratrol. overeating, smoking, inactivity, insufficient sleep, substance abuse and poor diets are not relevant to health. They certainly are harmful. Live longer with dark chocolate and also eat less red meat and live longer.Don't eat more spicy and oily food to maintain health.
for staying healthy, truck drivers should include vegetables, fruits in their diet. They should daily do exercise, mind should be calm. Do meditation, hear music etc to keep mind calm.
That all sounds well and good. But, if we all do, eat, and drink as you say. Can anyone guarantee that it will accomplish all that you claim? Thought not, especially since my Doctor cant either. So, I will take it under advisement and continue on as I have been.
Make sure to eat fruits and not junk food. It would be better to drink a lot of water to cleanse your bladder and digestion.