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  1. #1


    I'm a a loss of words right now..but this weekend after my husband was on a load..the broker started to call and threaten me because he wanted him to fly to destination and not worry about log books!! i said no and of course he started to harass me so bad at 1:42am i decided to go to my local police station.. he called me at least 25 times when i asked him to stop and leave me alone he proceeded to tell me i'm a worthless piece of s^&* other extremely foul language towards me then even said he had a round of bullets waiting to take to my face!! i have all this video recorded because i was getting extremely i contact the broker company and they want me to send them the tapes and such..what should i do..because they are in another state..i'm looking into getting a restraining order against this crazy guy.. and how truckers are worthless piece of sH*t this guy was on a roll all while being taped..but the threat of harm took the cake .. local police that night even talked to him because he kept calling me ..and also 40 something calls to my husband who was driving which i know is illegal according to fmcsa.. any suggestion please

  2. #2
    RT Semi-Skilled frostldy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    grande prairie alberta canada
    im not from the states and not familure with the regs. but as a driver who know what the miles add up to in dollors. i dosent matter thats harrasment , and i thnk that no matter where you live thats also intent. if they want the tapes then fine go some were have them coppied keep the origanals they will be time stamped i would also talk to some tec guys from future shop or a place simular. make sure if you have them coppied it wont change the time stamp. send them a copy and let them know you have the origanals and also documentation that they are untouched or changed. i would also make a call to your local DOTs .... this is only because i can be a real B$#^%. >>> and i wouldn't really recomend it because i am so unfamilure with how things work down there. but i know some trucks have AVL'S or recorders in the trucks so log bluffing or running more than one book is a lot trickier if the carrier who this twit works for is pushing the guys owner ops or not they could loose there running rights and get them selfs in a lot of shit. so to speak.. just not matter what fallow the rule of conduct.. the biggest rule out there.. the cya...... cover your ass..... rule.

  3. #3
    I'd never put my CDL at risk!

    Only thing I can tell you there. Find out who the owner of the freight is. Then tell them about the situation. At least that way, they'll never let that broker handle their freight anymore. Sounds like a crazy broker that was going to have to loose money. It's his fault, not yours! I'd find out where he "brokered" that load from and let the website or company know about that brokers ethics.

    Good Luck!

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