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Thread: How do you deal with a 'not-so-good' trucking company?

  1. #1

    How do you deal with a 'not-so-good' trucking company?

    They say no career choice is 100% perfect. Just like in the trucking industry. There are flaws, and maybe not in the part of truckers, but the trucking company itself. Those companies with a higher turnover rate for drivers should be avoided. Worst is, there are those trucking jobs scams that one must be aware of.

    So we want to know your thoughts on how you dealt with bad trucking companies. What has been your experience and personal knowledge of a bad company?

    Please share them with fellow truckers here, and maybe save them from going through what you went through. This is actually helpful for new truckers. Thanks!
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  2. #2
    The best companies out there, are the ones that have a good record and doesn't have qual-coms or ELOGS. Ones that still allow you the freedom of loose leaf logs. But hire drivers that are smart enough and safe enough to keep their records clean and their logs at least looking legal just in case of an inspection.

    I ran loose leaf's for a long time, and didn't move my truck unless it was up to date.

    The only log ticket I've gotten in the last 5 years, was from a city cop (arlington, tx) where I had to park about 2 blocks from my delivery the night before. And was pulled me over right in front of the receiver.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by coffeepot View Post
    I ran loose leaf's for a long time, and didn't move my truck unless it was up to date.
    This is one of the best habits for self-discipline that I've ever heard of. Thanks for sharing, coffeepot.
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  4. #4
    Running looseleaf logs, you can drive when your awake and sleep when you're sleepy. It doesn't get any safer than that.
    I've ran both, and found that using elogs, I drove more sleepy more times.
    The politics of this issue depends on how brainwashed you may be.
    Cops, politicians and safety dept. bullies will only make you think that elogs make the roads safe. I've never seen a cop, politician or a safety guy drive a truck. But I have seen several drivers on elogs, Y.W.D. (yawning while driving)

  5. #5
    You're talking about the EOBRs, right? the electronic on-board recording. If I'm right, it would take you several minutes if you use loose leaf's than using elogs. I mean elogs is a lot faster because its digital. But as far as time and accuracy are concerned, don't you think that using elogs is more convenient?
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Marie View Post
    You're talking about the EOBRs, right? the electronic on-board recording. If I'm right, it would take you several minutes if you use loose leaf's than using elogs. I mean elogs is a lot faster because its digital. But as far as time and accuracy are concerned, don't you think that using elogs is more convenient?
    Not at all. Not if I'm forced to take a 10hr break when I'm not tired or sleepy. Sure they may save you a few minutes during the day. But loose leaf will save you hours upon hours by the end if the week.

  7. #7
    Oh I see.. so you mean, using elogs can take up as much time by the end of the week? How is that so?
    Drive Carefully & Come Home Safe

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Marie View Post
    Oh I see.. so you mean, using elogs can take up as much time by the end of the week? How is that so?
    With looseleaf logs, you can erase any and all break stops during the day. If it takes you 4 hours to get unloaded, at the end if the day, you change it to 30 minutes. Which gives you 3.5hrs more drive time for that day.

    Elogs only save you minutes. Looseleaf logs save you hours. And unless your too dumb to know when your too sleepy to drive safely, then those extra hours can add up to a bigger paycheck at the end if the week.

  9. #9
    Hell yeah! never underestimate the extra hours. A bigger paycheck comes with good time management.
    A Variety of Trucking and Traveling Items

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Hapon A-z View Post
    Hell yeah! never underestimate the extra hours. A bigger paycheck comes with good time management.
    Bigger paychecks and sleeping when you need the sleep. Doesn't get any better or safer.

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