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Thread: Nurses seeking truckers for research

  1. #1

    Nurses seeking truckers for research

    Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Rush University are interested in learning more about the sleep and health (physical and mental), work life, mindfulness, and characteristics of long-haul truck drivers.

    This study is entitled, Mental Health and Sleep Issues Among Truck Drivers (Protocol Number: X160624001). To gather this information, they have designed an anonymous, online survey.

    If you are a long-haul truck driver, are not pregnant, and are interested in participating in the survey, please scroll forward to access the survey after you complete reading this information sheet.

    The survey is anonymous. That is, the researchers will not know your identity or email address if you choose to participate. It will take approximately 40 minutes of your time to participate-two minutes to read this announcement, and 38 minutes to complete the online survey. If at any time during the survey, you decide to stop participating in the study, you may do so. Also, if at any time, any question makes you uncomfortable, you may skip it. If you either stop participating or skip questions, you will not be penalized in any way and will retain all of the rights you had prior to starting the online survey. The only known risks to you in this study are: 1) You may grow fatigued and tire of participating in the study; 2) You may experience psychological discomfort when you recall the answers to some of the questions. While you will most likely not receive any direct benefit from participating in the study, you will help us understand mental health and sleep issues of commercial truck drivers in an area of investigation that has only superficially been investigated up to this point. Findings from this study may also help us to develop mobile health interventions that would benefit this highly mobile and remote group of workers. It will not cost you anything to participate in the study, and you will receive no payment for participating in the study. Your alternative is to not participate in the study.

    If you have questions or wish to discuss the survey, contact Karen Heaton at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (205) 996-9467 or Dr. Heaton is in charge of the study and would be happy to speak with you.

    If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, or concerns or complaints about the research, you may contact the UAB Office of the IRB (OIRB) at (205) 934 – 3789 or toll-free at 1 – 855 – 860 – 3789. Regular hours for the OIRB are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. You may also call this number in the event the research staff cannot be reached or you wish to talk to someone else.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    This seems like a really clever idea that was put forth by the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Rush University. The health and wellness of truckers will always be one of Speedco’s main concerns. We hope this survey turns out to be a successful one.- The Speedco Team


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