When your vehicle doesn't start, it's important to immediately know what to look for. This may save you a road call or at least keep you from being taken advantage of by some deceitful mechanic. I found an article from carandtrucktips.com of some quick fix that will get the car started:
- First, determine if the engine is turning over. Is there a sound of the engine attempting to start? If not and all you hear is a rapid clicking noise, the likely cause is a dead battery.
- Do a quick test. Turn the ignition key to the on position, and turn on the wipers. If the wipers move real slow or not at all the battery needs to be charged. A jump start will get the vehicle started.
- Check the battery cable and connections. If they are loose or corroded they will contribute to the no start. It may also be a lack of fuel to the engine. The engine will crank over and sound as if it wants to start.
- Do a quick test. Turn off all accessories, turn the key to on and listen for a low volume humming noise. This noise is the fuel pump. If there is no noise it is likely the engine is not getting fuel. A blown fuse, faulty relay, or bad fuel pump may be the cause.
- To start an engine with wet ignition you need to get the spark plug wires dried out. Use a rag to wipe the wires going to the spark plugs. Do this with the key off. A hair dryer on low temp also will work well.
- Once you have the vehicle started you will need to replace the spark plug wires or you will be faced with the same problem at the next sign of wet weather.
If you don't find it comfortable checking the engine yourself, then it may be better to call a trusted repair shop so they can point you to a right direction.
Post some of the common no-start issues you have had and how did you deal with it.