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Thread: Green Side Marker

  1. #1

    Green Side Marker

    Flog me if you will, I'm just a curious person and not a driver.

    I keep seeing recently, green side marker lights towards the front of trailers and it is just driving me nuts as I'm crazy curious about things in life.

    Sorry if this is such a nuub question but I've tried just googling 'green light' and truck and dmv, etc. No luck.

  2. #2
    the only DOT approved colors are red, amber, white.

    any other color is for decoration, and if a cop or DOT wanted to be anal, the driver may get a ticket for improper lens covering.

  3. #3
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    Thank You BuddyD for reporting those spam post. Both users had the same IP. We have blocked several thousand IPs from Vietnam. We caught that this morning and blocked all IPs starting with 118.70, which are all in Vietnam. They do not realize, that post with links are moderated and they never show. We are a small forum, but we do not have the constant spam and constant advertising pf most forums. Just trying to provide a nice little place for our Truckers to share. Admin
    RoadTrucker Inc
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  4. #4
    you're welcomed.

    if there is one thing that bothers me is the stupid spamming.


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