Tobacco and Cigarette Maker: SMOKE Fresh and Pay Less!
, 03-10-2013 at 10:41 PM (116852 Views)
If you have a pack of cigarettes right now, I want you to take a look at it. Then ask yourself, "Am I spending too much for my cigarettes?" If so, take a minute and multiply, the cost for that pack times the number of packs you smoke in a month.
For example, if you smoke 1 pack a day and you purchase your cigarettes for $6 per pack, (the average cost in the US), you spend approximately 30 x $6 = $180 each month, or about $2,160 each year. If you are buying in New York, the cost is double that ($360/Mn, or $4,320/Yr.). That's the payments for a fairly large selection of new cars.
For some truckers and drivers, smoking is a way of life. Long roads can be tiring and stressful and a smoke from time to time can ease the stress. So what's a hard working trucker have to do to reduce their overall smoking cost? After all, every dollar saved is a dollar that can be used for the family budget and most would agree that spending money on their family is by far preferable to burning it up.
Quitting is obviously the fastest and best way, but not every smoker can quit and not every smoker wants to quit. So the question is, if you cannot or do not want to quit smoking, can you at least spend less?
The answer is, yes you can. Have you thought about rolling your own? No, I am not talking about the old can of stale tobacco, that was fondly referred to as "bug dust". You know, pinch a little tobacco in a paper and roll it between your fingers, like a high school kid, rolling a joint. If you got lucky, it would not come out looking like death warmed over with tobacco spilling out of both ends. Worse, dried out tobacco looses much of its taste and feels like you're smoking hot cardboard.
Like almost everything, rolling your own cigarettes has come a long way. Today, you can roll a cigarette that looks and feels and smokes just as good as a commercial cigarette does. And the smoking pleasure might even be better.
I am referring to smoking fresh tobacco. No chemicals, no additives and no reconstituted tobacco. Just fresh tobacco leaves without the harsh stems.
With the cigarette making machines on the market today, you can make a pack of well shaped cigarettes in about 2 or 3 minutes and cut your cost down to as little as $0.73 per pack. Fresh Choice tobacco is available, along with their electric cigarette making machine.
RoadTrucker has put together 2 kits (Fresh Choice "Budget" and Fresh Choice "Deluxe" Starter Kits) to help you get started. And yes, the savings are substantial. Smoke a pack a day at $0.73 per pack and the cost per month is under $22. You can smoke just as much and still buy one of those new cars we talked about in the first paragraph.
The Fresh Choice "Budget" Kit comes with the Powermatic II Manual Cigarette Maker w/ Electric Injector. With this machine you manually pull a lever and the electric injector fills the tube with tobacco. The "Budget" kit also includes a 1 lb. bag of Shredded tobacco, a Moisture Meter at a $5 discount and Free Cigarette Tubes. All for a price as little as $166, depending on the type of tobacco you choose. The kit makes 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes, so your ROI (Return on Investment) can be as little as 1 month or less. Live in a state like New York? Payback is less than 2 weeks. The cost per pack on your 2nd lb and every lb after is $1.28 per pack. Very significant savings.
The Fresh Choice "Deluxe" Kit comes with the Fresh Choice Electric Cigarette Making Machine. With this machine, you tap a button to make your cigarettes. The Deluxe kit also includes the Mach One Tobacco Shredder, a 12 lb bale of fresh stripped tobacco leaves, a Free moisture meter and Free Cigarette Tubes. All for a price as little as $994 depending on the type of tobacco you choose. That may seem to be expensive, but the kit makes a whopping 300 packs of cigarettes, so your ROI (Return on Investment) can be as little as 3 to 6 months.
RoadTrucker's Fresh Choice "Deluxe" Forum Tip. Fresh Choice has several promotions throughout the year on holidays. By waiting for the specials, you can save almost $200 more on your Deluxe Kit. Buy the Deluxe kit today and pay only $799, lowering your cost per pack to $2.66. The following Tobacco purchase will lower your cost per pack to .73. So why wait? Start your savings now.
To make your cigarettes, load the tobacco leaves into the Mach One Shredder. It only takes a minute to shred a pound. Secondly, put the shredded leaves inside the hopper of the electric cigarette making machine. Next, insert an empty tube into the slot provided. Load the tube by pressing the button and press again to release the tube. Simple, isn't it?
You also have a choice in the type of tobacco. There is a full-bodied American blend premium, or an American blend light if you prefer lower nicotine. There is a Virginia Blend if you prefer an English blend tobacco; and for those who prefer a newer taste from different blends of tobacco, there is the Turkish blend.
The cost per pack on your 2nd 12 lb bale and every bale after is $0.73 per pack. Big amount of savings, right? Here is the link for a look. So why a FREE moisture meter? The proper amount of moisture is paramount for not only storing your tobacco, but also for shredding and of course for injecting your cigarettes. Keeping your tobacco fresh requires that the relative humidity be kept between 68% & 72%, as measured by a Hydrometer or moisture meter. When shredding your tobacco, 16% to 17% seems to work very well; and when injecting, the sweet spot seems to be about 14%.
There is one other piece of equipment worth considering. A Humidor. A humidor is a moisture holding box that has a built in Hydrometer for making sure the moisture is just right to keep your tobacco fresh much longer. You do not want your tobacco to dry out, nor do you want it to get too wet and a Humidor is just the ticket, to keep it just right.
No doubt, quitting smoking can be hard. So if you don't smoke, don't start. If you smoke, do everything you can to quit. But if you just can't quit, or you do not choose to quit, then smoke pure fresh tobacco with no chemicals. No additives. No reconstituted tobacco and start saving for that new car, now.