Made in America Chrome Stacks

  • Over Weight DOT driver rules

    DOT standards do not include any maximum or minimum height and weight requirements. The medical examiner will consider height and weight factors as part of the overall driver medical fitness for duty.

    If driver is over weight by 100 lbs or more, if driver’s neck is larger than 17”, female larger than 16”, if driver’s BMI: is Over 35, if driver is not oxygenated well, then Medical Examiner can require a sleep apnea study to be preformed on the driver before approving a new medical card.

    In the past if you were unhappy with the results of your DOT physical exam you could simply go down the road and get another. NOW the DOT Medical Examiner is required to enter your Exam results into the DOT National Database as either qualified, not qualified, or temporarily disqualified. So any problems must be resolved with the original Medical Examiner before an acceptable medical card can be issued to the driver.

    Previous to the new rule when a trooper pulled you over he was only interested in the safety of the truck. New rule: the trooper is now also looking at the physical well being of the driver. Is this driver safely able to operate the vehicle and manage the load. You may be required on the side of the road to preform some physical activity to prove your ability to operate the vehicle safely.

    Dr. Paul McLemore D.C.
    National Certified Medical Examiner

    Dr. Paul McLemore R.M.T., E.M.T., B.S., B.S., M.S., D.C.
    Certified in acupuncture
    Fax (940) 644-2067
    Texas State Chiropractic License 8843
    National DOT Medical Examiners Certificate 8404451981

    101 N Weatherford St 1816 Hwy 51 South #200
    on the Chico Square inside Herb’s & More
    Chico TX 76431-0511 Decatur TX 76234
    940-644-2568 940- 627-6778
    Tues, Thurs, Sat Mon, Wed, Fri
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