McLemore Clinics Chiropractic / Acupuncture
Chico Texas 940-644-2568 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Decatur Texas 940-627-6778 Monday, Wednesday, Friday
DOT Medical Exam TIPS
- DO NOT wait until the last minute to get or renew your medical card.
- Wear clean loose fitting clothing, woman wear bra and panties. Be prepared to remove clothing for exam.
- Bring medications in original prescription bottles.
- Bring driver license.
- Bring glasses and hearing aids
- Do not eat or drink a lot of sugar before getting physical
- Do not drink a lot of caffeine or energy drinks before getting physical exam
- Be calm rested and in good condition, NOT ill stressed or injured.
- Be prepared to give a small urine sample, This will NOT be a drug related urine test. I am checking
for glucose and kidney functions.
- If your are taking more than one prescription, If you have had a heart bypass or heart problems, if taking bipolar or depression meds. Email me with your information before getting physical exam. You MAY need to bring a note from your treating doctor approving your condition for driving a CDL vehicle.
- EMAIL your questions or concerns by sending me a private message
I want your business, and I will do everything I can to make these DOT medical guidelines work for you and not against you.
Sincerely Yours :
Dr. Paul McLemore D.C.
National Certified Medical Examiner
Dr. Paul McLemore R.M.T., E.M.T.,, B.S., B.S., M.S., D.C.