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  • Your Truck. Your Home. Your Story.

    A trucker hits the road, shares a story, and returns home safely.

    The truckers’ home is their truck. This is where they spend most of their weekdays and the road is their wild outside world. A happy trucker gets up early in the morning, stretches up, gathers his stuff and head along the long windy road. Much more, a cautious trucker struggles at night, stays alert and again, hits the dark and unsafe road only to transport products and services badly needed.

    Attachment 51
    Thus, this forum is created for you, our truckers and owner-operators. We want you to feel important of yourselves because you really are. You are the core foundation of the local and international Transport and Freight system. You are the road heroes because you make production and operation possible everyday for a lot of businesses. Not only that, you are the heroes of your own families, and they always look forward for your embrace when you return home.

    This as a venue for all the truckers out there. Whether you are driving medium and big trucks, RVs, and even boats, you can all stop by and share your stories at the end of the long trip. You may be hard-pressed for the day, hard-up for the night, but we are hear to listen to you. This is where you can touch base with your fellow truckers, share ideas and tactics on how to provide your trucking needs—and your budget.

    This forum will provide guidance in the best possible way through trucking innovations, quality products, and trucking issues we will discuss everyday. We encourage you to stop over and tell us your story, and we’ll let the world know about it. This is the RoadTrucker’s Forum—This is all about YOU.

    We are all very excited and can’t wait to hear your story! Happy driving!
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. Hapon A-z's Avatar
      Hapon A-z -
      I would like to say a trucker's life is not as easy as it seems. Many suffer with hypertension and disability because of the nature of the job. So kudos to all truckers who manage to survive everyday and are very eager to do their jobs. Stay inspired!
    1. Midlandtxtowing's Avatar
      Midlandtxtowing -
      Simply love the idea behind the forum creation and I thank the admin for the work. As a trucker myself feel all of the things so often and really touched with the story. Although now I am owner of below given agency but still a trucker from heart.

      Thank You
      Midland TX Towing

      Is that why you insulted us by ignoring the forum rules and blew smoke up our butts, instead? Yes, we are stupid and you guys from India are so much smarter than everyone here in the US.
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