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  1. Daimler Supertruck gets incredible gas mileage

    If you were to list all of the important criteria that a semi-truck should have, chances are fuel economy probably wouldn’t be at the top of your list. After all, semi-trucks have to travel thousands of miles back and forth across the country all while pulling tons of weight. Reliability is a must, drivers can’t have their trucks constantly breaking down. Power is also essential as they have to haul so much weight, sometimes uphill while keeping up with surrounding traffic. Because of their job ...

    Updated 05-03-2015 at 07:09 PM by Admin

  2. How to: Burn Safely this Winter

    As temperature drops, we love to stay in fireplaces to stay warm and provide heat in our homes. Wood fires can keep indoors warm and cozy, but they can also cause harm to the environment.

    According to the Environmental protection Agency (EPA), wood smoke is made up of a mixture of gases and fire particle pollution that isn’t healthy to breathe indoors or out. It can also cause young children, the elderly, or anyone with low immune system with a heart or respiratory illness.
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